Our Asset Finance Broker, Shannon Nowlan, recently helped a business owner take advantage of a great deal on a vehicle upgrade by sourcing finance for him quickly and efficiently. The builder already had a significant amount of equipment financed so it was necessary for Shannon to work hard to get the deal across the line which he did within the space of a week. As the client said, specialised vehicles are in high demand and when one comes along, it’s necessary to move on it quickly.
“I’d like to thank Shannon on his most recent dealings with my business. I was faced with an opportunity to upgrade a business vehicle and in this current market you have to move fast on a good deal. As my business already had a considerable amount of equipment financed, my credit score was not as high as it used to be and finance companies saw me as a red flag. Shannon went into bat for my business to get me across the line, to which he did very effectively with a lot of these dealings taking him outside of normal working hours. He went above and beyond to secure me a deal and I found him very professional and down to earth. I look forward to doing business with him again in the near future and will be sure to recommend him to my business associates.”
Hedley Cocks, Builder
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