When you’re running a small to medium sized enterprise, having access to funds for cashflow management, asset purchases and unexpected expenses is extremely important and can either make or break your business.
In the past, it’s often been difficult for smaller businesses to obtain finance, particularly through the major banks due to their lending policies and lack of lending specialists focussed on this market. This however has now changed according to Growth Point Capital’s Head of Commercial and Private Finance, Dan Keioskie, who says there’s now many more options and opportunities for small to medium sized businesses when it comes to seeking finance through the major banks.
“The big four banks have a lot more on offer for SMEs than they used to,” he said.
“They’ve relaxed their policies to enable them to cater to this market and they also now have teams of specialists that look after the small clients rather than just a few.
“This is great for small businesses as it gives them a lot more options, better rates and the ability to access funds for their business more quickly.”
If you’d like to look at finance options for your business, give our commercial lending team a call.